v2.0.0 Major update! Whole template was basically rebuilt from the scratch, with many design and feature changes to meet the current coding and design standards. Template now supports RTL languages (complete RTL version can be found in the full package in the "RTL Version" folder). This update is not compatible with the previous versions! The old version can be found in the "Legacy" folder in the full package. However, please note that that version is no longer being supported. It is only meant as a backup for existing customers. ------------------------------ v1.0.8 Updated documentation Various small fixes Changed files: library/css/style.css, library/css/style.scss, library/js/scripts.js ------------------------------ v1.0.7 Fixed issue with reservation form on mobile devices Changed files: library/css/style.css, library/css/style.scss ------------------------------ v1.0.6 Fixed input size in Subscribe widget in Bottom Panel. Changed files: library/css/style.css, library/css/style.scss ------------------------------ v1.0.5 Fixed wrong classes for Quote and Link post details. Updated FontAwesome icons to version 4.2. Changed files: blog-quote.html, blog-link.html, library/css/style.css, library/css/style.scss, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.css, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.scss, library/fonts ------------------------------ v1.0.4 You can now use radio inputs in the Reservation Form. Changed files: library/js/library.js, library/css/style.scss, library/css/style.css ------------------------------ v1.0.3 Better optimization for iPad. Changed files: library/js/scripts.js, library/css/style.scss, library/css/style.css, all files in library/css/skin ------------------------------ v1.0.2 Fixed the text encoding for Contact and Reservation forms. Changed files: ajax/contact-form.php, ajax/reservation-form.php ------------------------------ v1.0.1 Updated FontAwesome icons to version 4.1. ------------------------------ v1.0.0 Initial themeForest release.